Jemani EKK merupakan hibrid baru hasil silangan antara Jemani Eskobar dengan Jemani Kobra Katalog.. Karakternya sangat bagus dengan daun yang tebal dan serat daun yang indah.. Sangat cocok untuk menjadi koleksi..
Dijual per paket.. 1 paket berisi 5 tanaman..
Harga : Rp. 750.000 / paket 5 pot tanaman.
Termasuk biaya kirim dalam pulau Jawa.
Jemani EKK is a new hybrid hybrid between Jemani Eskobar withCobras Catalog Jemani .. The characters are very nice with thickleaves and leaf fibers are beautiful .. It is suitable for the collection..
Sold per package .. 1 package contains 5 plants ..
Sold per package .. 1 package contains 5 plants ..
Price: Rp. 750,000 / package of 5 potted plants.
Including shipping costs in the island of Java.
Including shipping costs in the island of Java.
Hubungi (Contact Us) : 087836094243
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